5 ways to DESIGN your LIVING ROOM to create more space
From ELS Chesterfield EZERPCO Barcelona we have a good idea for you to do at home during confinement and take advantage of the #StayAtHome: renew the design of your living room and turn it into a more ergonomic and functional space. Under normal circumstances, the design of the living room or living room involves placing sofas, chairs, multipurpose cabinets, a central table and a coffee table. But the COVID-19 pandemic, and the necessary #StayAtHome, have led to a new normal that includes additional activities such as working remotely from home, studying at home, finding a place to do indoor sports, walking, etc. Therefore, the need of the moment is to decide the function of the room and to accommodate it for extra activities within its limited space. Here we propose some designs that can help you maximize the space and function of your living room: 1. Use television as a focal point The elderly and children spend more time in front of the television these days....